Course Projects

dise Fire Detection
Digital Image Processing, Tsinghua University, Spring 2022

This is a non-deep learning fire detection pipeline inspired by this paper. Our pipeline comprises of three parts: color space classifier, color component classifier and texture classifier. Our model was trained and tested on the BoWFire Dataset and is able to detect fire from static images with an accuracy of 80%.

dise Exoplanet Transit Photometry for TESS Planetary Candidates TOI-4439.01 & TOI-5278.01
Observational Astronomy, Tsinghua University, Spring 2022
[Code] [Paper]

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is an all-sky survey mission led by MIT and NASA in search of exoplanets. A certain number of planet candidates (PC) discovered by TESS are not actual transiting exoplanets, which are usually referred as "false positives", therefore follow-up ground-based photometry is performed for verifications. We conduct ground-based transit photometry on two planets candidates declared in TESS, TOI-5278.01 and TOI-4439.01 with an 80cm telescope at Xinglong Observatory, P.R. China. Our data processing pipeline comprises of three parts: image reduction, aperture photometry and EXOFAST fit. For TOI-4439.01, our result is in accordance with TESS data, proving the exoplanet nature, while the EXOFAST fit did not converge for TOI-5278.01 due to low SNR of the light curve.

dise Astro Image Processing
Observational Astronomy, Tsinghua University, Spring 2022
[Code & Data]

This repo contains my code and data for astronomical image reduction. The images were taken at Huairou, Beijing with a 25cm telescope of DoA. Targets include M13, M51, M3, etc.

dise dise Video-Audio Signal Processing
Introduction to Auditory-visual Information System, Tsinghua University, Fall 2021

Developed three algorithms that solve the following problems respectively:
1. Recognize faces from videos clips.
2. Recongizes voices from audios.
3. Given a video of three speakers speaking at the same time, separate the speeches from the three speakers.
This project is implemented in Python with the aid of Face Recognition, Resemblyzer and Speechbrain.

dise Stock Forecast with GPR
Stochastic Processes, Tsinghua University, Fall 2021

Built an algorithm using Guassian Process Regression to predict the stock prices from previous observations. This project is implemented with Python and Scikit Learn.

dise Video Editing Based on Rhythm Matching
Signals and Systems, Tsinghua University, Spring 2021
[Code] [Video]

Developed an algorithm to create a video from a given set of video clips and a piece of background music to best match the clips' audio rhythm with the background music. This project is implemented with Matlab.

Website template from Dr. Jon Barron

© Tianao Li | Last update: Jul. 17, 2023